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Renowned as home to a host of innovative and prosperous businesses, operating in high quality locations with space to grow, sustainable energy supplies and investing in their workforce

DUDLEY 2030...

  • A portfolio of Quality industrial, retail and commercial premises across the borough as well as a range of appropriately located new sites for mixed use developments

  • A business support ecosystem that fosters innovation and provides access to a diverse range of funding for new and existing businesses.

  • Attractive job and career prospects for the new workforce

DUDLEY 2018...

  • Dudley Borough is home to a diverse range of successful, nationally and internationally significant businesses that are trading across the globe – but too few people outside the area know about their work

  • Most employers are committed to doing business in Dudley Borough but without action we risk losing them as some commercial property and development sites are not fit for growing businesses

  • Some businesses are hampered by a lack of a reliable, affordable and sustainable energy supply which slows production and makes them uncompetitive globally



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